Enhance the user experience

Published Published in SEO Tips     

Giving your potential customers what they want will always insure happy web visitors, and happy web visitors equal more sales! Make it easy to for your visitors to find the information that need by adding the ability to search your site. There are many free scripts and programs that you can deploy in minutes to your site. Using a text based sitemap with large title description headings for each webpage on your site will also make finding the information your visitors want easier.

If you are unsure what your visitors and customers want and need, try adding a simple user poll or survey on your website. Asking for your visitor’s opinions will help fine-tune your sites layout and also empower your visitors with the knowledge that you are truly interested in what is important to them.

Valuable information can also be found by investigating your top competitors. Knowing how their site layout and presentation of information is offered to their visitors can give you fresh ideas for making your more user friendly.

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